Simply Dependable.

After years of working under the family plumbing business Mark and Tyler were ready to step out under their own name. They had a great team under them and a reputation for good work and friendly service. They wanted a bold and attractive brand to help them get noticed, and one that their team felt great wearing everyday.

We helped them develop a clear direction for the brand with core mission, vision and value statements. We defined their target audience through customer personas and then positioned them within the caregiver archetype. We write a clear and compelling brand story and supporting messages that bring that care to their customers' ears. Finally, inspired by professional sports teams we crafted a bold and impactful visual system and helped them roll it out across a wide range of touch points. Here is a peak at the results:

Creative Direction, Art Direction, Design: Nick Tenhage
Writing: Alex Busch
Photography: Joel Hordyk
Studio: Compass Creative

Pelican Excavating